Maternity Salary: Find out how to receive this help


The maternity salary is an important benefit offered to working mothers, with the aim of ensuring protection and financial support during the period of maternity leave. This benefit is guaranteed by law and allows the mother to take time off from work for a certain period, receiving a monthly remuneration.

In this article, we'll explore everything you need to know about maternity pay, from who's entitled to it to how to apply for it. Follow along to understand how to guarantee this important financial help during the maternity period.


What is maternity pay?

The maternity salary is a social security benefit granted to working mothers during the period of maternity leave. It is a way to guarantee a monthly income so that the mother can dedicate herself fully to the care of the newborn in the first months of life.

This benefit is guaranteed both for employed mothers, who have a formal contract, and for individual taxpayers, unemployed, special insured and even adoptive mothers. The objective is to provide the necessary financial tranquility so that the mother can dedicate herself exclusively to the care of the baby during this very special period.

Who is entitled to maternity pay?

Maternity pay is a right guaranteed to several categories of women. Check below who is entitled to receive this benefit:

  1. Employed mothers with a formal contract: Every woman who works with a formal contract is entitled to maternity salary. In that case, the benefit will be paid directly by the employer.
  2. Individual contributors: Women who work on their own, as self-employed, are also entitled to maternity pay. In that case, it is necessary to be up to date with social security contributions.
  3. Unemployed: Even women who are unemployed at the time of childbirth are entitled to maternity pay. To receive the benefit, it is necessary to prove the status of INSS insured person.
  4. Special insured women: Women who work in the countryside, such as family farmers, fisherwomen, indigenous people, among other categories of special insured women, are also entitled to maternity pay.
  5. Adoptive mothers: Maternity pay is also granted to mothers who adopt children. In this case, it is necessary to comply with some legal requirements and prove adoption.

How to apply for maternity pay?

To apply for maternity pay, you need to follow a few steps. Check out the application process below:

  1. Gather the necessary documentation: Before starting the application, it is important to gather all the necessary documentation, such as identity, CPF, work card, birth certificate or term of custody of the child, among other specific documents, depending on your situation.
  2. Schedule an appointment: The next step is to schedule an appointment at an INSS agency. This can be done over the phone, through the Meu INSS app or through the INSS website.
  3. Go to the service: On the day and time scheduled, go to the INSS agency with all the necessary documentation. There, you will receive guidance on the next steps.
  4. Follow the process: After making the request, it is important to follow the process to ensure that everything is happening as expected. You can track progress through the INSS website or app.

Payment term and benefit duration

The maternity salary has a specific duration, which varies according to the mother's situation. Check the payment deadlines and duration of the benefit:

  • Employed mothers: The maternity salary is paid by the employer for 120 days, with the first 15 days paid in full and the remaining 105 days paid by the INSS.
  • Individual contributors, unemployed and special insured women: The maternity salary is paid directly by the INSS for 120 days.
  • Adoptive mothers: The deadline varies according to the age of the adopted child. In the case of children up to 1 year old, the maternity salary is paid for 120 days. For children aged 1 to 4 years, the deadline is 60 days. And for children aged 4 to 8 years, the deadline is 30 days.


The maternity salary is a fundamental benefit to guarantee the necessary financial support during the period of maternity leave. It is important to know your rights and know how to apply for this benefit to ensure a smooth transition to motherhood.

In this article, we address who is entitled to maternity pay, how to apply for the benefit, payment terms and duration of the benefit, in addition to answering some frequently asked questions on the subject. Now, you are prepared to seek the maternity salary and enjoy this very special period with your baby.